Solar airco heater unit

A combination of solar harvesting and airconditioning.

Our solar air-conditioning unit combines a regular AC with solar energy harvesting.
A regular AC unit extracts heat from the air by means of a radiator and a fan on the outside wall of
the house. The radiator is made up of several tubes and thin metal plates which pull heat out of the
air, and the resulting cold air in the outside unit is then transported to the inner unit to be
redistributed inside the home.

In winter, the opposite happens: cold air is pulled out of the air and the resulting hot air can then be fanned throughout the home.

In our new model, we opt for vertical tubing. Along with the plates used to pull the heat or cold out
of the air, these tubes are placed inside larger, transparent tubes which are mirrored on the inside.
The outer tubes rotate around their axis in order to track solar radiation, while concentrating the
harvested solar energy in a vertical line on the inner tubes.

In summer, the transparent tubes – which are painted white on one side – are spun to prevent the
sun from warming up the central AC tubes and allow them to cool the air. Inside these transparent
tubes, a fan generates airflow, similar to a traditional AC unit.

Since heat is generated inside these tubes, there will be a natural airflow (similar to a chimney),
which lowers the need for a large fan to extract the air mechanically.

This unit is combined with a heat battery, which is a reservoir of water that is kept at a constant
temperature of 90 degrees Celsius to use during nights and days with less sunshine.


Our product can be mounted both vertically and horizontally on the outside of a house, or integrated
into the walls of newly built homes.

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